One type of treatment used to destroy or reduce the size of a cancerous tumor is radiation therapy. This is an intense type of treatment that can have devastating effects if done improperly. A radiation error can lead to severe injuries or even death.
When medical professionals demonstrate negligence resulting in injuries to a patient, they may be held liable in an Illinois medical malpractice claim. The injured party could collect damages related to their injuries. A Chicago medical malpractice attorney will explain the legal options available after a radiation error.
Types of Medical Injuries Resulting from a Radiation Error
There are several types of medical injuries that can result from a radiation error. In some cases patients have experienced injuries leaving them with difficulty swallowing (because of burns), loss of teeth, difficulty seeing and breathing, and even loss of hearing.A patient can also suffer organ damage from the burns of radiation. If the radiation error was the result of an overdose, the burn could damage the cells lining the small blood vessels. This deprives the soft tissue and skin of nourishment and is an injury that is difficult to heal.
An overdose of radiation can also lead to bone death, typically in the jaw and head.
The complications from this type of radiation error require surgical intervention.
These types of medical injuries can leave an individual suffering excruciating pain. This may entitle an individual to receive compensation for the pain and suffering, along with other damages related to their injuries.
While radiation therapy can be helpful, it can also be harmful and today more than ever, patients are receiving this form of treatment. Unfortunately, many patients are unaware of the serious risks involved when safety rules are violated or when there is some type of mistake made because of medical negligence.
What leads to a radiation error?
There are a number of circumstances that could lead to a radiation error. In some cases patients were exposed to a radiation overdose from a linear accelerator, a machine that produces beams of intense radiation.
In Brooklyn, New York, a young woman went through 27 days of radiation overdose that was 3 times the prescribed amount. The linear accelerator had a missing filter, which was undetected by medical professionals and it left a gaping hole in the woman’s chest. The pain she experienced was excruciating.
There have also been incidences where the devices that are used to modulate radiation beams were misused, positioned incorrectly or left out.
And in other cases, the radiation missed either part or the entire intended target, or treated the wrong area of the body.
Many times hospital and outpatient clinic staff rely too heavily on the machines and computer systems rather than regularly inspecting for the possibility of a radiation error. This can lead to devastating consequences.
Since developing a radiation treatment plan can require a lot of time, a shortage of staff overlooking this plan can result in a radiation error or incorrect administration.
Patients who are undergoing radiation should be carefully and closely monitored to ensure they are not being injured.
Treatment of Injuries as a Result of a Radiation Error
In some cases treatment isn’t even an option, especially when cells have been damaged. This irreparable damage can leave an individual with needless suffering. In other cases surgery or medication is a potential form of treatment. But many patients have required the use of a hyperbaric chamber.
All of this leads to additional medical expenses that may also be recoverable through an Illinois medical malpractice claim. When individuals suffer physically and financially because of a radiation error, they have the right to pursue damages.
Consulting with a Chicago medical malpractice attorney should be your next step if you or a loved one has been the victim of a radiation error. A Chicago medical malpractice attorney will analyze your case to determine if you have a valid Illinois medical malpractice claim worth pursuing.
When to Hire a Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney
A Chicago medical malpractice attorney at the Law Offices of Barry G. Doyle, P.C. has dealt with similar cases to yours and knows the best course of action for your claim. To improve your chances at a fair settlement and take the burden out of all the paperwork involved in a medical malpractice claim in Illinois, contact us today for a free case evaluation – 312-263-1080.