If you have received an incorrect diagnosis from your healthcare provider, you may be wondering if this is a case of over diagnosis. An Aurora medical malpractice lawyer can answer any questions you have concerning a possible medical malpractice claim.
An Aurora medical malpractice lawyer can examine the facts surrounding your case and help you determine if your healthcare provider is liable for your injuries. In addition, your attorney can gather the necessary evidence in order to substantiate your Illinois medical malpractice claim.
Overview of Over Diagnosis or Incorrect Diagnosis
When doctors over diagnose or give a patient an incorrect diagnosis, it can lead to devastating consequences. This is a common form of medical negligence that can lead to an Illinois medical malpractice claim.
When doctors tend to diagnose certain conditions more than others, it may be that the symptoms a patient is experiencing are similar to other diseases or medical conditions. It is up to the doctor to thoroughly investigate the patient’s symptoms and rule out conditions rather than make an assumption that it fits one type of diagnosis.
There can be many reasons for a doctor to over diagnose a condition or give an incorrect diagnosis. It may be that the doctor is not knowledgeable about certain conditions. Or it may be that the doctor does not want to take the time to thoroughly investigate the patient’s symptoms.
When a doctor fails to ensure that a patient is receiving the correct diagnosis, it can lead to serious injuries or even death. An Aurora medical malpractice lawyer can look at the specifics of your case and injuries to determine if an over diagnosis applies to your circumstances, and if necessary, what to expect from the process of filing an Illinois medical malpractice claim.